Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Your Roadmap to Mexican Property Ownership

Yes! You can buy real estate in Mexico, regardless of your immigration status in Mexico.

The Mexican Government considers a “restricted zone” an area located beyond 100 km (62 miles) away from the border, or beyond 50 km (31 miles) from the coasts.

International buyers have restrictions when it comes to purchase a property whithin this zone.

Yes, you can! International buyers can purchase a property in a restricted zone through a trust in whose name the property is deeded, and you will have the usufruct of the property.

Depending on your income and credit score, it can be a quick process: only 3 to 4 weeks.

Yes. We have savings schemes with which you can prove your income. At the same time, they allow you to save for your down payment.

At the end of the term, if you did’t miss any payment, your loan is guaranteed.

The bank trust is a legal substitute for fee simple ownership, but in many cases, the trustee is the legal holder of the property. As a beneficiary, you have the right to sell your property without restriction. You may also transfer your rights to a third party or pass it on to named heirs.

Anyone, even someone in Mexico on a Tourist Visa, may buy property. It is stated that if you sign a contract, rent a house or condo, buy a house or condo, or lease property, you are no longer a “tourist” and therefore, are invited to apply for a Temporary Resident Visa.

But in order to acquire property, it is not necessary to possess a Temporary Resident Visa.

When you arrive in Mexico, a Tourist Visa is issued. This visa allows you to remain in Mexico for up to 180 days (almost six months) without working.

You also have the option while in your home country to apply for a Temporary Resident Visa, which is valid for a 12-month period and can be renewed for up to four years.

This is a document for anyone who wants to live part time in Mexico, but does not necessarily intend to make this their permanent home. To be granted a Temporary Resident Visa status, you must prove you have sufficient resources to be financially independent, or meet certain requirements to be able to work or own a business in Mexico. Temporary Resident Visa “Rentista” status is available to anyone with a monthly income (from investments, social security or other retirement) more than $1,000 USD plus around another $500 USD for each dependent. If one owns property in Mexico, the amount of income required is reduced by nearly one-half.

This document is for a person who intends to permanently reside in Mexico, with qualifications only slightly more stringent than temporary resident status. After four years of successfully meeting the requirements of Temporary Resident Visa (including restricted time out of Mexico), one may apply for “Inmigrado” status, which allows you to enjoy most of the rights and privileges of a Mexican citizen, the primary exception being the right to vote. Inmigrado status does not require you to give up your native citizenship, but holders may freely work and remain in Mexico without annual renewals of immigration paper.

Typically, non-Mexican individuals purchasing real estate in Mexico opt for cash transactions.

Many times, foreign buyers leverage home equity or other assets from their home countries to secure funds for their investments in Mexico.

With the introduction of new tools, making it possible to mortgage Mexican properties, more and more foreigners are now exploring exciting options to acquire their dream oceanfront homes in Mexico.

Absolutely! You can obtain financing and raise capital from any bank in the US or Canada that offers such services.

In Mexico, there are no specific restrictions, and it’s essentially the banks processing the loans who will inform you if they have programs for financing properties in other countries.

No, you won’t incur any charges.

They specialize in international financing as mortgage brokers, and their services come at no cost to you. The banks compensate them through commissions for the assistance they provide.

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